series of photographs of hotel rooms. Hotel room is private when it's taken, but it is also a public space as normally there is not particular resident. All images captures from his website, this post will be deleted after this project.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Mike Nelson's works - Found objects, locations, narrative.
Racheal Whiteread"complex associations suggested by the traces of human use on her casts of usually very ordinary objects and environments, including mattresses, mortuary slabs, and the interiors of old, multiply inhabited room. Everyday thing-ness of her works that makes them so eloquent, reminding us that the objects whose trace they bear are indifferent to, even as they seem laden with, human associations." Gillespie kidd & coia; drawing of photos, which shows their building of the exterior and view from interior. These series of photos I took in the park, found objects on the ground, gave me awareness of the space. Like a sock, object which doesn't belong to the space made me more aware of where I am.
I have been looking at books about the space and emotion. How space creates certain feeling within itself. Its creating atmosphere can represent ourselves. The artist such as Gordon matta clark, his work is deconstruction of the building, but he opens up the boundary of the exterior and interior evoking feelings of what has left behind.
I filmed the views from every bridges I could find from vauxhall bridge to tower bridge. Initial idea was showing same spot to look bigger as I get closer. I don't know why I ignored the fact that River Thames has beautiful curvy line. It was good to walk as always and took me 3 hours without taking a break. (I had to stop by royal albert hall to use toilet, but that doesn't count.)
It might be seen as typical tourists' attraction promotion film. I think it's always good to have tourist mind and the I appreciate what I see. Loved trains crossing the river, loved layers of buildings, loved noise of people.
Recommend to see this film playing sarabande by Franz Schubert. I didn't put it as it increases file size. It made me think why there is no films about a monstrous creature destroying south bank, not about the luck of Barry Lydon.
It's bit hard to digest the concept of psychogeography for me. For last 2 weeks, bothered by flu, sat on the sofa surfing on internet using the technique of the derive. Sitting, reading on internet about psychogeography and thinking without depth. The derive is the concept of an aimless walk, probably through city streets, that follows the whim of the moment, then yes, I do most of time even with my flatfoot. Seoul wasn't perfect place to do it, but growing up in the forest of apartments always got me feel weird walking down the streets surrounded by the houses. Tokyo was good place to walk in the daytime, quite scary in the night time, however finding shrine and a big tree in the middle of nowhere was exciting. Barcelona, loved exploring, then two teenager boys took my bag and ran away. End of the story. London, I used to walk a lot, or take a random bus to go nowhere.
Ences has no specific layout setting through whole magazine. It seems like it's designed to create suitable space per spread. Its presentation is quite quiet, however looking at it more and more, I found it's very dynamic in a way because it's breaking rules as 'fashion magazine'. I chose this spread, because it shows how to play with spaces. Photos are merged together and sometimes text invaded the space of photo as the same way photos are merged. So I set the document page without margins, columns, and guide lines. It was very good fun, but took some time to find out how to use text wrap and things.