The World(98degrees),1983
The Peak, Hong Kong, 1982-1983
"London was in the depths of recession when Hadid arrived as a student in the 1970's. Its architects were experiencing both a shortage of work and a loss of confidence. The Architectural Association, where Hadid studied from 1972 to 1977, provided a unique centre for debate about new directions in design, and gave her the opportunity to explore one of the twentieth century's great art movments, Russian Constructivism. This period was the point of departure for her breakthrough project, the winning design for The Peak- an apartment complex and club overlooking Hong Kong. Although never built, the extraordinarily dynamic paintings that she used to convey the essence of the design commanded worldwide attention and continue to shape Hadid's thinking today."
Victoria City Areal, Berlin, Germany 1988
Mixed-use development- retail, offices and hotel
Blue Beam
"in the claustrophobic context of Berlin before the wall came down, this project created a high density urban environment, civilised by generous public spaces."
Hafenstrasse Office and Residential Development, Hamburg, Germany, 1989
"Hamburg's waterfront would have been transformed by the insertion of the dynamic forms of the Hafenstrasse mixed-use project into the context of the existing buildings."
Elevation Studies
Yellow Perspectives
Maxxi:National Museum of XXI century Arts, Rome, Italy, 1997-ongoing